Company Intelligence

Third Party Analysis for Investors & Owners

Climate risk impacts business continuity and asset performance. Institutional investors, owners and verifiers are seeking insights into the cost of extreme weather and climate change to portfolio performance. Practically, XDI can provide an independent assessment of a single company’s or group of companies’ climate risk with XDI’s own asset discovery methodology. Investors with a portfolio of equities can now obtain intelligence on the climate resilience of any number of companies world wide for due diligence, investment decision making, or to compile risk ratings.

Intelligence on Your Investments

XDI’s range of company intelligence products provide institutional investors with high level insights on extreme weather and climate change risks to a single company or group of companies.  

Aggregated information gives investors an understanding of the investee’s physical climate risk profile in simple financial metrics, based on the assets a company owns or leases around the world.

This data can be provided in dataset format to be incorporated into the investor’s own models and analysis systems or can be presented in a detailed report format for a single company.

Physical risk data for one or many companies can be incorporated into investor due diligence, ESG reporting, or to compile risk rating.

XDI Company Intelligence Products

XDI’s third party company analysis is used industry wide for assessment of climate physical risk

Single Company Intelligence Report

A single company intelligence report provides physical risk analysis on a company’s owned and leased operational properties. 

  • Available in a powerpoint format suitable for presentation in the Single Company Intelligence Report. 
  • Data is visualised for ease of use in charts, graphs and spatial mapping according to key financial metrics, per country, per hazard. 
  • For deeper analysis with drill down capability on high risk assets, a TCFD Physical Risk Report can be obtained.

Multiple Companies Intelligence Data Set

Aggregated physical risk analysis on the owned and leased operational properties of multiple companies for investor insights. 

  • Delivered in a data format aggregated per company, per country. 
  • Hazard insights
  • XDI works closely with approved resellers to provide data that can be integrated into external systems.

Results are presented in key financial metrics

XDI’s Asset Discovery Methodology

Company intelligence analysis is based on an extensive data extraction process that captures the locations of a company’s owned and operational assets data.

XDI - Asset-Directory-Methodology - Image

Data Grooming and Quality Assurance

Asset location data is drawn from numerous proprietary databases using a company’s name and those of any subsidiaries worldwide.   An extensive data grooming and Quality Assurance process follows to assess confidence in the baseline data set.

XDI’s asset discovery process has been market tested in due diligence with major financial clients against their internal asset level data set, and has been assessed as the most effective in identifying company assets amongst a range of key market players.  

XDI Analysis Supports Climate Financial Disclosure of Managed & Owned Assets

XDI works extensively with infrastructure organisations, property trusts, banks and investment firms to support climate financial disclosure. XDI provides the worlds most detailed physical risk analysis. Our products range from asset level adaptation planning through to global portfolio analysis of equities or properties.